K.Kamijo, Y.Mitsumori, H.Kato, A.Kato, “Comparison of Patent Grants within Patent Families. Why are some patents within the same patent family granted in one country but not in another?”, PICMET2022 (2022)
K.Kamijo, T.Nasukawa, H.Kitamura, “Personality Estimation from Japanese Text,” In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Modeling of People’s Opinions, Personality, and Emotions in Social Media, Coling, (2016), pp.101-109.
K.Kamijo, T.Aihara, and M.Murase, “Anonymity-Aware Face-to-Face Mobile Payment,” Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, (2012), pp.198–209.
K.Kamijo, “Optimizing Watermarking to Improve the Robustness without Affecting the Fidelity,” Multimedia Security and Watermarking Application at IEEE ITCC-2001, (2001), pp. 95-102.